know ye not

you either have it or you don’t

jj jackman
know ye not - index
you either have it or you don’t 11/18/02 poets should not have reputation for the repetition of their names would undermine their art form poets should not have published collections for oral presentation would be overshadowed by a more souvent visual experience the devil appeared to me this morning as a terry cloth serpent twisted around a white towel bar in this dull uncharacteristic demeanor he reminded me that he has lost a great deal of his me-ward alluring power i giggle at the mockery generated by rhyming metered verse as i am a master of the same i chuckle at the term “iambic pentameter” because it reveals the certain enemies of this craft the previous verse are my thirty four year overdue regurgitation of Les Maximes de la Rochefoucauld the way i see it presently my friend... you either have it or you don’t (the things you should not do you always will the things you must do those you won’t) you might then have an ardent cavity perhaps an intermittent shaft though more apparent your depravity please send no sniper to the draft there is no shame to have no way with words you legs might cross a finish line poets rarely feast in large cash gains thus our trade surpasses all the rest in sheer purity you might relieve forms from sandstone quite favorably! the way i see it presently my friend... you either have it or you don’t (the things you should not do you always will the things you must do those you won’t) you might then have an ardent cavity perhaps an intermittent shaft though more apparent your depravity then trust the Viner with the graft though there might be meaning forced by ev’ry rhyme there rarely is fair reason to a crime enough of this..... basically all i’m struggling to say is do yourself a favor find what you do well and excel there in ! do not recite poetry if your are not gifted in this manner and in reference to my fellows must we always quibble about style and form are these patterns not all somewhat legitimate weaving their preeminence through various cultural persuasions here are some of my best teachers without much internal jostling and scrutiny King Odell Dr Ransome Stanley Johnson and Hibbard Perry the following teacher distracted me and misled me toward the musical arts initials shall suffice L.G.D. the way i see it presently my friend... you either have it or you don’t (the things you should not do you always will the things you must do those you won’t) you might then have an ardent cavity perhaps an intermittent shaft please share your passion with great gravity in but your own God given craft!!