
jj jackman
You appeared to me in leaves - index
slamming (03/10/2000) (Member of Audience) have you tried any slamming? (Poet) well i don’t know i don’t memorize my shit, man i don’t have the time to read it twenty five times every morning and every afternoon and every evening i’m not that absorbed in my self (Member of Audience) some contestants read and win they have their scripts right on stage (Poet) yeah it’s not fair in my estimation you have two art forms here at the same time writing and performing content and execution and song writers don’t always but they do sometimes make Billy Joel Barry Manilow Mariah Carey Niel Diamond Fiona Apple (maybe not!) singers and Mik said it’s the singer not the song i say it’s the player not the game even though Michael Jordan hadn’t exposed himself to the specific, highly specialized moves of baseball Russian as opposed to Hebrew fluency if i have the linguistic gift i might at least speak two and a third fairly well i mean let them do their thing i prefer the open readings i mean maybe you didn’t have a son that came from a totally unathletic family become an eleven year old all star catcher and watch him ripped apart by jealous parents and coaches who wanted their sons and daughters in his position even though he had a personal repore with all the umpires who marveled though objective at his moves for a tiny little kid i mean i know where i’m coming from it’s a pretty delicate and precarious situation oh Lord please don’t let me be misunderstood but i always am anyway and slamming well the word itself doesn’t mean anything to me i don’t slam except the one time my sister pissed me off so much and my thumb went backwards as i violently closed the Skylark trunk door and this sprain never goes away no don’t throw that basketball at me so fast ow! my small fat digit hurts when it is hyperextended, no i would never slam anything again like that and when Tony that seven foot tall two hundred and fifty pound 13 year old friend of my son closed my porch door in anger i understood the fear of teenagers from that point on no i don’t like when people slam anything he broke it, no i explode at any given moment and i’m late for work if my inspiration comes at 7:49 though it might be timeless, i mean slamming that is, like the great exhorters on soap boxes at tent camp revival meetings eternal security verses loss of salvation doctrine the backwoods preacher Peter Cartwright had a thousand in flight though he lost the election to Abraham Lincoln and what about Adelai Stevenson and why wasn’t Alan Keyes even on my ballot though i didn’t bother to show up at the polls anyway because i knew he wouldn’t be there the people did chose Barabas did they not that Zionist zealot framed as petty thief who knows they probably paid him half what Judas got, who wasn’t even as base a lowlife, and no more high quality a guy than Benedict Arnold but try to find that book i read in the sixties about him and you may fail like i did see he couldn’t chose between two lovers England and America torn between two lovers he knew a little ahead of his time before Madonna and Austin Powers that these two lands could be reconciled, torn between two lovers that isn’t allowed here so i’ll just stick to writing i can’t do both that well and the term slammin' kinda of a desperate non original writers’ form of jammin’ but jammin’s for musicians not for the general public i’m grounded on the Rock and i can’t be moved even by myself and you all sense this you know that i am the Chuck Norris of spiritual warfare so after twenty years of basic training on the basis of all writing someone comes from behind with a challenge don’t waste your time i mean one of my buddies fills this room as i speak one is bent in a circular form from ground to ceiling uncomfortable for my sake to minister if i hurt you know i don’t like it anymore that you do but get your facts straight... Jesus didn’t have long hair did i do "You appeared to me in leaves" to deaf ears only you know i don’t like it anymore that you do that he pre-violated my free will by not asking me before He made me if i would like to take the chance for faith to heaven or hell if i fell short, possibly for as long as eighty years here not even sometimes knowing really where i stand, the battle that belongs to the Lord is so strong but all who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Shall be saved not just me but i’m not sure some times if i did it right! and you wouldn’t judge me along political lines! yeah right! i find it difficult to be universally politically correct right now and some of my fellow writers won’t even talk to me! and Bob Jones University is a pretty good school even if i never had enough money to afford to go there slammin’ the living shit out of my vulnerable i’m not as tough as i might appear strong when i am weak state of being more evil when masturbating such thoughts that my mind produces x-rated script writers would blush and you don’t think i have compassion on girls who love girls and guys who love guys because i’m based on the Rock and because i’m surrounded by a billion angel audience every moment of my life and though it would take only one at His command to shake all the earth’s tatonic plates and level every building on the surface (i don’t get disturbed when i sin they even make me blot them out as if they do not see every little detail of my transparent folly) you see after the fact of not giving me a pre choice on the whether or not i wanted to be created issue i wish i were dead! doesn’t even figure in until i was sixteen he doesn’t violate my free will now because He has so much faith he lets me feel that it still might work for me no i mean yes no i’m just not going to give any of you the chance to give me a 6.7 yeah, maybe i’m not solid yet in my heart i’m not hard hearted like Pharoah i still care what you think about me each and every one of you even though it’s not fashionable to admit that and i’d rather not know anyway because it hurts too much no i’m not slamming and music is a filthy sick business now writing has to be too! and i wouldn’t even want to jam with Carlos Santana i’m so sick of his rifts and i haven’t run into any musicians recently that are not so hung up on themselves to be jammin' like in my garage in the sixties and Steve my drummer drove by one day and said.... hey i live down the street can i bring my drums over yeah! no i’m not slammin’ no i’m not goin’ for the circuit maybe NYC now and again this is all i have left i’m a male woman.... i just have a wound that won’t stop bleeding and OSHA hasn’t regulated yet the kind of infection that you think i spread... are you all wearing literary masks and proper non allergic hand gear pencil lead can cause serious reactions (Member of Audience) hey man that poem was great i really liked it (Poet) yeah there’s usually one of you in every crowd (Member of Audience) man why don’t you sign up for the slam, it’s next (Poet) no i’m kinda occupied tonight by an unfamiliar spirit but now i’m curious what did you like about the poem? (Member of Audience) i think that Michael Jordan is the best athlete that even lived but i think he should have just stuck to basketball. (Poet) well you seem to have accessed the pith so to speak but really the comments are encouraging thank you for listening!