in the midst of seven

jj jackman
in the midst of seven - index
in the midst of seven 2/01/00 in the midst of seven is an impossibility for a length, breadth, height, time four dimensional reality but i’d have to be there to have access to you at any moment God lives in the seventh dimension i saw it from the fourth peering through the fifth and sixth or should i say i got a glimpse thanks to the reverend Johnny Patmos in the midst of seven now i know why people want to be God so that they can be in the midst of seven but i only want to be in the midst of seven sections of certain people i like a half god if you will only in the midst of the seven component parts of certain people i need i want access without any rhyme or reason i wanted to have a conversation with you but you are composed of seven parts and i couldn’t get into the center of those seven parts i envied God even if you hate Him He could have done it He could have gotten into the midst of your seven phases that interact to make you who you are but He is the gentleMan of gentlemen and will not intrude upon your free will but i can not get into the midst of your seven facets that interact and project who you are and regular people like me even though we might want to be God just so we could have a discourse with people like you for a moment well we can’t do it so i went and figured it out i got one of those unusually clear glimpses of the seventh dimension you know seven rhymes with heaven heaven, framed in seven dimensions you know the place we put everybody that we can’t be with now so that we can be with them later you know that place where we put our friends that died so that they can shine down on us when we’re having a bad day you know the place where pitbulls don’t bite your four year old niece in the face and disfigure her for the rest of her stay in this length, breadth, height, time four dimensional reality that we call now you know that place that will clearly give us the perspective to see not only why light behaves like streams of photons sometimes and like tiny microwaves at other times but also whether or not that fifth dimensional string theory makes any sense you know that place that we see dimly now as if we were looking at our own reflection in the small hazy spot of an old fashioned mirror that’s as cloudy as the pieces of mica that children find why you know that place that single dimensional religious people have no business talking about because they make you hate it and you know that place that’s not fashionable to acknowledge and that thanks to John Lennon that place that we can all dare to imagine into nonexistence you know that place, right well anyway i tried to find out how God could be in the midst of seven churches as the reverend Johnny Patmos so aptly put it (i mean can’t i use my poetical license to name someone after a place with which he is associated in this case a place of exile and isolation) he so aptly put it: a woolly haired, eyes flaming golden girdled Son of man in the midst of seven candlesticks that are seven churches with seven stars in His hand which are seven angel messengers with seven lamps the seven Spirits of God that speak in seven thunders voices like water rushing seven trumpets seven vials seven seals containing judgement (inexplicable from our four dimensional perspective) uttered from a place beyond time by One alive forevermore but i just wanted to be in the midst of you for a moment in the midst of your seven interwoven flesh and motion manifested second by second changing unified sections your mother your love life your job your apartment your artistic calling your friends your public associations in the midst of your seven shuffled-playing-cards- parallel-together-then-apart- like-accordion-bellows-integrated zones your heart your mind your strength your soul your body your spirit your will as would have had God from His seventh dimensional perch and just at the right emotional moment too had you allowed Him so i did some dividing i started with percentage one seventh that is (i nestled myself in your public association sector) that region we all share in common assuming we haven’t been in solitary confinement for any lengthy period of time approaching from the outside, inward i divided 100 by seven and arrived at the following percentage 14.285714285714285714285714 % (and if you divide any number by seven except its multiples you’re gonna get a consistent combination of these same six digits in its decimal extension) and i concluded in these four dimensions we sure as hell can’t change a dollar bill into seven equal parts so how about a circle that’s linear enough a circle has 360 degrees and we can thank our Chaldean predecessors for that so maybe God was in the middle of seven churches arranged on equidistant points of a circle now 360 degrees divided by seven equals 51.428571428571428571428571 but if the circle was say 1000 miles in length then these churches would have to be 142.857142857142857142857142 miles apart and it would take a whole mess of time to figure out where each would have to stand while quibbling about 1 trillionth of an inch to some astronomical number of powers as to the locus of their actual position so: churches, attention! fall into place no, no i really think we are contained within seven dimensions there really is no center to seven here in four but there was One, there, in the midst of seven and maybe you weren’t thinking about your mother your love life your job your apartment your artistic calling your friends your public associations and maybe you weren’t thinking about responding to me a would-be demi-god in the midst of barely 3.5 with your whole heart mind strength soul body spirit and will or whatever you call your seven parts but really we only have four anyway but I couldn’t get into the midst of them for a moment for a conversation and maybe you brushed me off because I’m two dimensional: obnoxious and original but at least I tried because I had something worthwhile to tell you and now neither of us will ever know what it was