reason and my heart we disagree

jj jackman
rescue man - index
reason and my heart we disagree (1/22/99) oh Love my only hope is that i live with thee i must! yet Reason and My Heart we disagree and Reason coldly states the odds but then My Heart e'er onward plods as Faith and Hope My Heart sustain askance does Reason show disdain oh Love! thy songs with words did set my spirit free i trust! yet Reason claims to get the best of me and Reason says my love is sin my love yet flows from deep within will e’er these contents ever drain? then Reason barks: “My Heart’s not sane” oh Love! my Dear! your sweet pure essence i can see unjust! unkind! oh! Reason please please let me be! then Reason starts to slip away and My Heart then begins to pray and vows to suffer countless harms then Reason leaves, at last! my Love is in my arms