second thessalonians one six*

jj jackman
a speckled bird - index
second thessalonians one six* (4/15/01) I will trouble those that trouble you then troubleless will be so few they're ev'ry place in every nook in ev'ry cranny where i look and since Your words are oh so true woe fills this land that i once knew now bullets fall like heavy rain most fam'lies bear a crimson stain where are those friends of varied hue that borders charge to stick like glue i search and search and find no trace of open arms and warm embrace I will trouble those that trouble you then troubleless will be so few increasing numbers live in lies with passion poured in fashion's guise as morning dew does cover most so trials will reign from coast to coast and is this message that i post of but a specter or a ghost? and yet this rudeness does not cease no longer will i speak of peace then Lord oh let those troubles be oh how they all do trouble me I will trouble those that trouble you then troubleless will be so few now hail upon them wretched blight oh Lord i'm ready for my flight I will trouble those that trouble you then troubleless will be so few they're ev'ry place in every nook in ev'ry cranny where i look then troubleless will be so few I will trouble those that trouble you * King James Version: Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you: New International Version (NAE)(1978): God is just: He will pay back trouble to those that trouble you and... Literal English Translation (Samuel Bagster & Sons LTD)(1958): since [it is] a just thing with God to repay to the [ones] afflicting you affliction and... (Italics-God speaking in Bible verse) (Standard font-poet)