shallow hollow day

jj jackman
a speckled bird - index
shallow hollow day (4/23/01) oh have a happy holiday a deck the halls with holly day or solemn rigid holy day for some to wear a halo day hallowed holly day holy happy day happy holiday i'd chance a closer look to take was Easter not for Ishtar named the votive and her blackened cake the fire in the grove has claimed her embers gleam 'fore crops do spring fertility has been restored black ashes to her bones do cling as rains up on the nook are poured a day so pleasing to the Lord acceptable to Him undo those heavy burdens and loose those wicked bands forgive the debtor of his debts and set the pris'ner free untie those things that tie you down to kiss beneath the mistletoe Bar-El, Tammuz will pardon thee as Mother-night conceives in woe the yule log yields the Christmas tree so draped with splendid colored lights how Nimrod gleams in victory the lord of festive pagan rites a day so pleasing to the Lord acceptable to Him hide not your face from loved ones and bring the homeless home give sustenance to hungry folk to those that were cast out and 'round the naked place a cloak oh have a happy holiday a deck the halls with holly day or solemn rigid holy day for some to wear a halo day hallowed holly day holy happy day happy holiday but if you can't discern this lesson you will learn you'll have no happy holiday no deck the halls with holly day a stiff and rigid holy day self righteous on your halo day you'll have a shallow hollow day a wholly sallow silly day emotionally hilly day a gloomy selfish hellish day gloomy horrid day wholly sallow day shallow hollow day