my spirit

jj jackman
a speckled bird - index
my spirit (1/17/01) i see my spirit far outstripping me not pleased at all at what i've come to be while spending time with those so out of reach with countless students that i'll never teach with my fair love who will not know my name who left herself behind to flirt with fame it leaves me oh so early in the morn to wallow in the fact that i was born and soon it will be all that does remain as flesh does cease from efforts that are vain some think to boundless pit and fervent blaze some think to blissful joy and endless praise it seems not mindful of my slower pace or that i am not in my rightful place or of my struggle each and ev'ry day as a mere animated slab of clay bound in attracting force called gravity it mocks me as i see that it is free i see my spirit far outstripping me not pleased at all at what i've come to be observing me from quite a lofty roost (i've shoulders shrugged as i beg for a boost) from panoramas i will never view and still to my sad course i stay, i stay and still to my sad course i stay so true