my love for you

jj jackman
a speckled bird - index
my love for you (02/14/01) my love for you does displace more cubic feet than a gratte-ciel* and leads to a greater place than the opening of a monumental arch and does ward off more demons than the gargoyles of a gothic cathedral and yet my love does not rival the size of a tiny mustard seed and is still far worse! a narrow breach that leads to a bottomless pit and does attract more foul spirits than a fly covered sacrificial fish on a druidic slab my love for you does hold your waist so close to mine my love does place my tongue upon your set-back tooth my love does kiss your blemish that no other eyes have seen and yet my love does not restrain so you can dance with passion my tongue withdraws so you can sing with clarity that no digital equipment can yet replicate and still the world persists in preparing your pyre for they have not yet seen your spot my love does wait as life's time sentence (though so short) does pass to join you beyond these pitiful bounds i lived here but to get a glimpse of you a precious fatal Augenblick^ my love can't wait 'til death does sorely wound me to free me from this limited infinity of lines and there i'll wait for your long emaciated hands to pass through mine there we will twirl and spiral within each other there i will sing to you in tones so pure in harmonies that we could never write we bore the pain of separation here and yet you recognized the voice you knew though nearly drowned by pressing crowds *French, skyscraper ^German, blink of the eye