unreconciled rejection

jj jackman
a speckled bird - index
unreconciled rejection (2/25/01) i'd sure have died had i not fled to island sands so far away to carefree life and so removed from bustle, bills and burden i'd sure have died had fungus raged but now my feet are bathed in salt so far removed from sweat and socks and swelling i'd sure have died had i not run along the beach and left behind my troubled mind so far removed from peace and prayer and potion i'd sure have died had i not sailed upon the sea so far away from endless lines and so removed from wasteful, worthless walking i'd sure have died had i not jumped in waters deep so far away from ordered form and so removed from solid, stiff and sturdy i'd sure have died had i not flown straight up above so high into the big blue sky so far removed from luscious, lulling liquid i'd sure have died had i not rose so far beyond so high into a weightless space so far removed from breeze and breath and blowing and in this state i'd seen it clearly so far up so far away in this great void and so removed from liking, lust and loving down there a moist pink wen* did nag me pleading yearning daily, endlessly, ceaselessly i'd come so close and lick its sides and then its vacant hollow soft kisses on its jambs still softer ones within i needed oh to be inside 'midst warmth and depth in solace rose in retreat pale it beckoned me as grave stone to a spirit passed such homage to a marker i'd sure have lived but i had known quite from the start i was removed from life at birth unreconciled in regal red rejection n'er e'er, n'er e'er could i return but somewhere in my mind * opening in Chinese