a speckled bird

the professor

jj jackman
a speckled bird - index
the professor (2/25/01) did you all but think that there was not a price for magnanimity don't fucking talk to me ever about meter 'cause if i'm in the fucking mood i'll tear your little pieces of shit to shreds let's get one thing fucking straight you only think you've obliterated the fucking professor who sits there crowned in gray with well earned hoary garland though caught dozing in mid afternoon from time to time in anticipation of an eternity of the same i knew more than you'll ever know when i was your age he roars when he come to his senses Garland died in poverty but not in spirit you see i don't have a fucking problem with meter and i don't have a fucking problem with content but see i do have a fucking problem with discipline i still can't fill the professor's shoes now he's not keeping to his rigid schedule of times past you could set a clock to his comings and goings but now he's retracting his time span daily present for a shorter time each day a final lesson if you will and you think that Elton John was fucking original then who the fuck was Liberace Liber rhymes with Tiber and means free ace is number one but they just don't fucking go together somehow and italianized: we have, Lee bear ah chey this is equally as lame but Elton John.... you begin with a distinguished name but end up on a fucking toilet gaudi constumes in a somewhat subdued expression anticipating potential reproach hugged by Eminem alluding to ex lax and enemas well i dit int no he was fuckin' gay don't fuck with my meter don't fuck with my meter don't fuck with my meter don't fuck with my meter don't fuck with my meter don't fuck with my meter fuck with his! have you mastered infantile monotonous droning a child she was on stage my sister played the keys he overdressed in rage the audience to please and then she stole the show right from the fucking pro and if Annette's not there it's like Connecticut barriers with tire marks in erratic directions curving endlessly or poles strung with wire in eternal tension without a sound and some of you rejoice at birth as the divine explode another error into our realm and then we try to perfect rejection and raise it on a pedestal of praise to marvel when it does not measure up follow the yellow brick road follow the yellow brick road follow oh follow oh follow oh follow oh faaaaaaa ha low because of the wonderful things that he does* a corpse overdosed on barbiturates i love everyone of you as much as is fucking humanly possible and would handle your verse in actuality as rare fossil bones and i'd never tear your little pieces to shreds but writing aside for a moment Annette had become a finished product without my help... and so too the professor.... so silently he sits there the butt of public mockery as others collect interest on his hard earned past initiatives you didn't squawk at his lavish public offerings and the countless acts of liberality to even distant friends of friends oh he hears everything you say he doesn't seem to pay close attention as if his aged mind can not discern between the juvenile banter of disdain and the silent speech of love did you all but think that there was not a price for magnanimity i marvel as he pays this fee with poise soon to be a corpse overdosed on generosities did you all but think that there was not a price for magnanimity *from the Wizard of Oz from memory