the character of love

how shall i love you in our absence dear

jj jackman
the character of love - index
How shall i love you in our absence dear In prayer to this great One that fashioned worlds Who at this point is powerless to make you near Or are, i pray, my hopes, to Him, a tiny drop Upon His heel in hard and heavy rain How shall i love you in our absence dear In pressing every cell in my distraught and wearied brain To play and play a vivid anthem to the moments that we shared The perfect way that you’d respond to my most simple thought Or place my highest in a lovely place that magnified its worth The way you moved in rhythm with my inner soul So frail so confident a contrast of this highest sort Gave courage to my weak and passive way How shall i love you in our absence dear In resting cramped as daring diver in a bathescathe Contained within cold steel and squeezed inside a tiny place Twelve hundred feet submerged in ocean's depth Immune from water pressure and the glare of light Whose only hope be that this tub the surface break And hearing sounds of bolts untightened then to see your face! How shall i love you in our absence dear For nothing can console me - you’re not here And music that did bring me joy, a clanging dint! And stories that did make me soar, like arrow flint And dances that foretold that I could live Lay lifeless as the fish upon the druid’s pyre How shall i love you in our absence dear Not using present access that i have to thee Not being in this place where you had been for me Is my small way of putting feet to this great hope A trust that you’ll find who you need to be How shall i love you in our absence dear In hope that you shall have all that you ever wish That passing me was just a passing to a better place That honored i was ever graced within your breath The fading vision of your frame to my swift death How shall i love you in our absence dear Perhaps a stranger’s smile from time to time Will lighten your sweet lonely heart Perhaps a child will laugh with you With all her might and brighten your sad day If this be all that i can ever do Be ever wishing well for thee and yes! for all of you! Oh i shall love you in our absence dear