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19. down gloved and wrap ecstasy over the yellow floor, the sand, the heat on your back, water lapping at any shore. movement away and return. eternal as pull.

20. gravitons carry a weak force. string theory wanted to correct that and reestablish gravity as a force of equivalent strength to the other forces. gravity always got a bad rap. aging for example. fast forward. read down. slide elide into the intent of another. hawking at the affair. not yet a multiple.

21. it is not a torqued prevelance for songbirds that amuses the cats. the cast are not slipping near the door. they are not worm in the breeze through the scream.

22. selected like a tapeworn. dialectric out of need. the boundry the border the structure over maps of maps.

23. correct right this necessity. cold joints night labour ends windows open to reveal outside. purple machines carve themselves out of the dark night. trees aren't as diagrammatic.

24. the letter for tree is t. the symbol for t is tree. or else cross. this is a visual.

25. trivially visual. inherently unmeant. line like moment. lines white against white where white is meant to mean at once not-white and other. meant not certain headphones. lizards on trees the trunks dip inter become root. for water for ever.

26. forever? forever. fo rever. or fever.

27. 1/3 or at least 100% of every screen is advertising. even doors and fakes. and it changes like this. stripes and arboretums for Toledo streets to be designed accurately in our living room.

28. lego furniture terrible play toy for its age with respect to the strength of its parts to remain. gravity is perpetually falling forward. secret to faster-than-light-speed travel. learn to build at an early age. then consume.
