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– for Betty Goodwin


arms the thing

turn back look
into dissolve

branches scattered
and quietly
leaves go to ground

the tree trunk
zero alignment
this broken

all a new record

a new division to become
branches figured

the seating of red

hands draw themselves
the fingers the knuckles

inherently quick featured
the move to be locomote

spiders act to unite
thin webs against wind

walls independently dream
for corners to hinge with

nothing is absence
the room is a void

circumnavigating this
elaborate mesh

the digits remembered in ash
without the service
of cartilage

to bind

wanting ability the
chance to bend
around and to stand

silent were the words

water over the granite
water over the night
darkness and that is all

and water unbounding

this night here
is all red
just outlines
of this

return to new work