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Such that the object disappeared
and the subject went quickly too

articles unhinge

not coalesce
where is an arm
in these letters? An a?

An I floats away
brakes in the rocks

at the bottom of something else

even titles can't stand

geography flexes around
dismembered devices

primitive machines
engender each other

each performs the program

now bigger in all the relevant colours

dust in the crumbs in the house
the house sustains an idea
vagueness establishes some walls
as if there are doors
they are opening
and maybe water spills
down the front steps
out in the street
washes all of everything away
there were perhaps some stars left

populations unexist into
rigid guidelines for origination

going further reveals
a natural economy
slowly gathering

as if organization itself was a mind and
then some other noises similar to grinding

return to newwork