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text then is the advancement of image. a move away from this need to duplicate world. through words we achieve. this in advance of the poem. the poem is a reworking. what isn't obvious. language must. we are nowhere inside a text as much as we are a text and are in a text. annexed and nexused around what we mean. this monadal support connected through filaments. text then is the advancement of image. a move away from this need to duplicate world. through words we achieve. this in advance of the poem. the poem is a reworking. what isn't obvious. language must. we are nowhere inside a text as much as we are a text and are in a text. annexed and nexused around what we mean. this monadal support connected through filaments. this sort of boxing. a text within a text. atextual politics. the textual revolution. we are intexted as the advancement of possibility, of image. where the real world is not real, nor is it a world, and is thus, through a non-representation, represented. parts of a world then compose world. words compose parts. letters compose words. in a sense these are constituent molecules. and you are inherently formed. as much then to discover some reason is faulty and started with imagination at some point. logic, where it appears to exist, is an ordering of thoughts, not reality, and the best ordering is taken to be fact/real. once this ordering can be overthrown by a newly formed ordering, the old is cast out as history. this is as much true for poetry as it is for science. and this is very different from a poetics. poetics is a self statement, no matter what the claim to objectivity, logic or history. and this poetics serves as a "toolbox" to paraphrase from fred wah's Faking It. it could serve as an overarching ideology, but this seems like a very bad idea. this is where a poetics that negates identity held ground for so long. as an objective sort of investigation into the constituents of language. and not into you. text then is the advance meant of image. there is no hierarchy. this is not Important. "whenever i have done a thing in flames." and so to move then beyond, but what is this beyond? is it a location, or a determination? are we there or just getting there. beyond what?/, exactly./? all this and more. if we were in a dream it would be time to go to sleep in that dream. not as an acknowledgment of reality, there would be animals in the zoo, in boxes, all looking out at us, behind bars. and what would we do because we can't. the tower hides a person. with our stomach so empty. and our arms bare and frozen, we stare back at the animals.