Accept me as I am I have
no guarantee.
A claim to perfection I have not. Perfect I cannot be.
I, like
human. Prone to make mistakes.
Failure is not a character flaw, Just a part of the human makeup.
I live, I laugh and I
also learn. My knowledge is incomplete.
I am searching all the time, in waking hours as well as sleep.
I have a long road to
travel, as well as you do.
We learn our lessons on the way. Wisdom we shall accrue.
So please accept me as I
am Because I am .... Just me.
No one like me in the world. That is my only guarantee.
This is how I feel I
have a heart, open it and see
Please take care That's all I am, just me.
Would it be such a tragedy to be accepted
for the man or woman we are?
Wouldn't it be nice to actually be ourselves without fear
of rejection....without being afraid to be open and honest....
to just be taken into someone's heart as we are<3
Like it says above...... we all make mistakes, we aren't perfect.
Everyone IS different.....lets make it a point to allow that....
Allow people to be different, to be themselves.....
because aren't we all special in our own way?
copyrights Jheart 2001
Note: These J. Heart(J<3) originals may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the authors expressed and written consent. You may not circulate these works, or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address,or add a link to yours(which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the author(s).Thank you so much for for visiting my website. J<3 |