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Be All That You Are


The sun will find you,

give you her warmth,

and bless you with her golden touch

as you awaken....


The wind will call you as you gently bend,

and become open to the world

that surrounds you....


The soil will ground you,

The water will nourish you....

You have been planted here....

The world is yours to enjoy,

to expand, to go wherever you want....


Life is the gift you have been given,

Love is the blessing you can feel<3

It is all around, in the flowers,

in the trees, in the meadows,

on the mountain tops.


Give yourself a chance,

give yourself some time,

to know who you are,

to become all that you already are....

Accept the gifts of the new day,

Be a part of every person

that says Hello...:)


We are all just hearts alone,

and together

beating to the music inside,

fulfilling our ambitions,

finding our places in the wonder

of the universe....


More than to hope in yourself,

believe in yourself....

Take your own hand

on your own journey....


In the quiet, you will hear

the voice of wisdom,

In the stillness, you will realize

your deepest dreams....


and in your heart......

you will know how deeply....

you are loved<3

These words are not mine,

but I wanted to at least

share them with you.....

they touched me deeply inside my heart

and hopefully they will touch yours<3

I hope I did them justice.....Jim


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Email Rhymnheart

Thanks to Donna for this beautiful

border and background<3

Please visit her homepage at:


These J. Heart(J<3)  originals may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the authors expressed and written consent. You may not circulate these works, or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address,or add a link to yours(which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the author(s).Thank you so much for for visiting my website.
