In case you ever wonder,
things look bleak and fruitless,
when you feel like giving in,
put your hand upon your heart,
right there will I begin,
To say whatever happens,
what problems arise,
I'm always there beside you,
is that really a surprise?
From long ago I promised,
no matter where or when,
my heart would always be open,
for you my dear best friend,
Would I run away from trouble,
if you were down and out,
I'm sure that you know better,
I'll be there without a doubt,
This may not solve your problems,
or take away the stress,
but when it comes to caring friends,
I'll try to be the best<3
an original by jheart 2002
Note: These J. Heart(J<3) originals may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the authors expressed and written consent. You may not circulate these works, or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address,or add a link to yours(which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the author(s).Thank you so much for for visiting my website. Jim |