Many times I see a vision of a hand reaching out to me,
I try to grab it but it seems like it was never meant to be,
The thought is maybe it wants to lead me far away,
Or could it be the one that holds on tight to make me stay,
Would it lead to someone true, one to capture my heart?
Or maybe the one to break it, and later split apart,
Always careful to look very close, not wanting to get burned,
Only wanting that sincere love, for a lifetime I have yearned,
The special hug, the comforting touch, a smile when I am down,
An arm around my shoulder, a grin to remove my frown,
Words to tell me things are fine, when all is looking bleak,
To give me strength and courage, when I'm feeling sad and weak,
To be the one that I can turn to anytime at all,
To be there with your open arms to catch me if I should fall,
Be the one that cares enough to always listen to me,
Do these things and forever I promise, by your side I'll be.....
an original by
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Note: These J. Heart(J<3) originals may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the authors expressed and written consent. You may not circulate these works, or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address,or add a link to yours(which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the author.Thank you so much for for visiting my website. J<3 |