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Will I Remember You?

How strange you should ask this question....
I was thinking, how could I forget you?..
You have left an indelible mark on my heart and soul...
There are so many things you do every day
that you don't even know about....
Even if I don't see you, you're still with me.....
even if we don't talk, you're never far away.
There are times during the day or night when I
have a few minutes to just sit and rest.....
and there you are, right where I always know you'll be,
close to my heart.

Situations come up, and I wonder......what would you do?
After all the time we've known each other,
I usually know the answer.
Then there are the times.....the very precious times we
share here together. I smile, I laugh....sometimes I even cry....
But that doesn't matter, because you're here.
For at no other time in my life, have I been assured that
someone that cares, that understands, that.....loves....
is here for me.

Will I remember you?

For the rest of my life.....and yours

copyright  jheart 2002