I couldn't even imagine what I'd have missed if I hadn't met you....I wouldn't know the
meaning of soft, since we wouldn't have held hands. I would have no sense of deep, had
I not looked into your sparkling eyes....I would never know bright, since there wouldn't
have been a way to see your beautiful smile....I would have no idea of warmth, since I
wouldn't have had the pleasure of feeling, and knowing your heart<3
What if I had not been able to look in your eyes, and say everything I wanted
to....without so much as a word?
How would I have gotten to where I am right now, unafraid to speak with my
heart, strong enough to say what's on my mind? Would I ever know the meaning of true
love without you in my life? I'm sure I wouldn't.....not without you. I cant imagine life
anymore without you in it.....all the years I had been alone inside, all the empty feelings
I carried inside, have all disappeared because of you. Where I once walked alone, I now
feel you by my side, even when we aren't together. Where I might have seen things with
fear and apprehension, I see now with determination and confidence......
all because I met you<3
Jheart 2001
Note: These J. Heart(J<3) originals may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the authors expressed and written consent. You may not circulate these works, or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address,or add a link to yours(which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the author(s).Thank you so much for for visiting my website. J<3 |
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