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I am so very proud, to introduce the release of my first book:

"IN SO MANY WORDS" Rhymnheart<3

A note from the Author: About 8 years ago, I began writing poetry and creating web pages., I was hoping that one day, I would have the opportunity to put all of my writings together in book form.  A dream has finally been realized and I am now the very proud Author of my first book; "In So Many Words".
Many of you have asked over the years, if obtaining a book from me, would ever be a possibility.   I am happy to finally be able to give the answer,  "Yes.".  I have but one regret.  My book was not published, before my Mom passed away.  I hope you will read the dedication to her in the forward.

Poetry has the ability to carry us far away, or allows us to stay in our own world, while traveling through our hearts and minds. Some of the emotions that poetry can bring are of happiness, solace, pleasure and pain. Writing that which has stirred our souls, is also good therapy in releasing emotions that we all seem to hold deep inside.   "In So Many Words" would make the perfect gift for yourself and the special people in your life....for any occasion!

If you would like to place an order through my Publisher's web site, (Infinity),  you can do so by visiting:  www.buybooksontheweb,com.  or........if you would like a personalized copy, you can send $9.95, plus 4.55 for shipping and handling to my Agent in either check form or with a money order.  Please make the check payable to J. McCadden.

 J. McCadden
P.O. Box 1334
Cheektowaga, NY14225

If you have a special message that you would like to see included...or a request, please let me know. Just send a note with your check/money order.  or you can send the message to me through E-mail at:

  I hope you will enjoy reading this book, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you!

This following link will transport you to my Home Page!

<3<3<3Poetry By Jheart<3<3<3

This J. Heart(J<3)  original may not be displayed, reproduced, or distributed in any way without the Author's expressed and written consent. You may not circulate this work, or place it for the viewing public in any way.  If you wish to share any of my my poems, graphics, etc, with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or add a link to your web site (which is appreciated :)or get expressed and written permission from the Author(s).Thank you so much for for visiting my website.
