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Song Of Love by John Prockner

You engrave your heart into my soul!
Yes there just beyond my heart,my soul,
A place no one has ever been to.
A place where feelings explode into vibrant colors.
Colors so vivid that feelings and words, kiss in flight.
Swirling around as if they dance.
And dance they do, for love lifts up upon my feet.
Sends me dancing to twirl in mid air.
Here you are always in my arms.
Our eyes always meet reflecting loves own.
Ah yes, joyous is the heart,
That the soul lights aflame.
You take me to my voice,
When every sound is heard in song.
Do I sing out loud?
Do I sing with a gentle whisper?
Do I sing without a vocal chord moving at all?
YES! I do sing!
I sing with love moving me
Throughout the scales of note and chords
Dancing on my tongue.
I sing for the world to hear me.
So loud no noise may stop it's sound.
So loud that you may hear me wherever you may be.
To let you listen when we are far apart.
I sing! I sing, with a whisper
To your ears only, my love.
For the song that I sing is you.
Whisper to you ever so softly,
So that you may hear my breath.
Whisper almost directly to your heart
And to your soul.
Whisper because I love you.
I sing! yes I sing, from my heart
And when I don't make a sound
Is when you hear me the loudest.
Here my true Love is felt, only by you.
You hear me sing from the very depth of all song.
Deep down where the two of us come alive.
You hear me only because of our Love.
I love you with all of my song.
<bgsound src="everything.midi"loop="1"> <1embed>

words are copywritten@John Prockner2002

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