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Benjamin Andreu

this poem, from a man

his nose shattered,
splay against a
bludgeoned sneer,

“... sometimes,”
he sighed,
resigned and
eclipsed by a
doleful, bloodied
“because i wish that i could
just once,

like a drop of rain,
or a son of God ...”


and led me down
that beach,
to that
of sandy bough
and Scorpio's
ashen prow,
the memory
of a breeze
clad in
dingy thunderhead,
tacking into swarms
of static,
sired from
molten dusk and
the stammering buffet
of right-brain
against surf... it smeared across
pebble, and feather,
and sleeve, it billowed
through dissonant clouds, it eclipsed, ashore,
in tatters and
minor keys the ancient
might have sung,

      “Tu ets la tempestat meua,
         ton amor és l'oratge meu”


I am an aspiring amatuer poet, which you have probably already surmised, who has no credentials (which you may or may not have realized ... or cared about). I live in Miami, Florida, (until further notice still part of the) USA, where I work as a computer programmer.

© benjamin andreu