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Light the Candle,Everything's alright!!!

I moved to Indiana to find work because there was no work in the county where I lived back home. I had been on welfare for a number years and knew it was no life for my children. I wanted to give my children a chance.It was really hard moving away from my hometown. I would often cry myself to sleep because I was so desperately lonely and homesick for my family back in Kentucky. It was just me and my 3 children. I would pray,"Lord the only thing between my children and the world  is You and me." That's the way it felt.There was no shoulder to lean on when things were bad, just me and the Lord. He always saw me through. I guess that was when my faith in the Lord really began to grow. Still I prayed and prayed to the Lord to find a way for me to move back to Kentucky. About 3 years after I had moved there my sister asked me to come visit her in Kentucky for a few days to fill out job applications in the town where she lived. While I was there she took me around to several places and I put my application in. One day while I was there she suggested that we go to her church. She is Catholic. While we were there she said," Why don't you light a candle and say a prayer."She said it was kinda like putting a string around God's finger to remind him of my prayer. Although I am not a Catholic , I decided to light 3 candles, because 3 is God's number. I also had put in only 3 job applications. When I returned back home I went on with the business of living and thought no more on it . I left it in God's hands. Almost 3 weeks to the day our landlord summarily evicted every single person in our apartment building {He had decided to renovate the building so he could get higher rent}. I literally had nowhere to go. I remember standing there with the eviction notice in one hand and lifting my other hand into the air . I began praising God. I told all my neighbors that I knew God was about to move. You know the Bible verse,When Satan comes in like a flood God puts up a standard. "That eviction notice was God's Standard for me. I knew it in my spirit. I'm sure they thought I'd lost my mind. The next thing I did was walk to the pay phone which was about 3 blocks away and called my sister in Kentucky. As soon as she heard my voice she told me one of the places had been checking my references. I went back to my apartment and slept a good sound sleep that night.The next day  my sister called me at the nursing home where I was working and said one of the places had called saying they wanted to see me for an interview. She told me she would come and get me and I could stay over night at her house and go to the interview the next day. I remember walking into the place and  the supervisor introducing herself to me and asking me some questions and taking me on a walk through of the place. It was a training facility for the handicapped. I saw a boy in a wheelchair. He just reached out and touched my my heart. I prayed ,"Oh Lord you know how I love children." I fell in love with the place immediately.She told me there was only a part time oncall position but that it would eventually lead to a fulltime position. All the time I was praying in my head ,"Oh Lord please ,a fulltime positon on 2nd shift." the interview went quite well. After it was over I said ,"When do you want me to start." She looked sort of surprised and said ,"But I haven't hired you yet.  I have another interview at 1:30pm. {I later learned that the other girl never showed up for her interview.} We will call you within the next week and let you know if you have the position." So back I went to Indiana. My sister told me she would be looking into finding me an apartment. I had been back home about 3 days when my sister called me at work again and told me I had been hired, but she had no luck on finding me an apartment. So she told me I could stay with her for a few days until we could find something. So I turned in my notice at the nursing home and prepared to start packing for the move. My children were to stay in Indiana for a few days while I hunted for an apartment.  My oldest daughter was seventeen so she was old enough to take care of her younger sister and brother. When I went into work at my new job I was told they were now offering me a fulltime position on 2nd shift. Exactly what I had asked the Lord for. I still hadn't found an apartment, however. When I got off work I went back to my sister's home she greeted me with the good news that a man had called her out of the blue and said he had an apartment for me . We had asked him previously if he had any vacancies and he had told us he didn't have any. When we went to look at the apartment it was just the right size for us and another thing, as I walked up the stairs to the apartment door there was a picture of Jesus attached to the railing by the door. There He was He even greeted me at the door.

Kateira ©1999

"He'll Take Care of The Rest"

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