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A Child's Heart

When my son was little he seemed to have a lot of problems with hand and eye coordination. He had great difficulty using his spoon ,fork and drinking from a cup with a handle .So most of the time he just used his fingers. We would show him how to use silverware, but most of the time he treated every thing like it was fingerfood. At first we had no idea what the problem was. He also would have problems running into things. Things that you would normally avoid ,especially if he was in hurry to do something he would run right smack in to it. When he started school his teachers began to notice that he was having problems with his vision . So we took him to an eye specialist in Evansville. After the examination the doctor said that his right eye was almost completely blind. He stated that it was a congenital condition,  that his right eye had never formed correctly,also that the muscles that give you the ability to move your eye were not functioning right.After that we went back home and the Doctor perscribed eyedrops for the eye and an eye patch for his good eye so he would have to use his "weak" eye more. Nothing seemed to work so after a while he perscribed glasses, because his "good" eye was  a little myopic. When he was 7 we moved back home to Kentucky and started attending a rather large Pentecostal Church. It was there that my son made a profession of faith and was baptised. One Sunday night we went to church as usual and we had a guest speaker,at the end of the service they asked if anyone needed a healing to come down to the front of the church. My son looked up at me and said,"Mommy I want God to heal my eye." So off he went in his usual hurried motion. He ran down the aisle to the alter. The minister said, " Anyone who wants prayer for healing raise your hand. " There he stood waiting and waiting while the minister took turns going from one person to another totally ignoring my son who by this time was jumping up and down , with his hand still raised as high as he could raise it. I whisperd a prayer saying,"Oh dear Lord please let the minister notice my son." You see there was a huge crowd of people, over a hundred standing there at the front of the church. The waiting seemed to go on forever. Just when it seemed that the minister was going to bypass him I started to weep and was thinking about all the important people. How my little son must seem so insignificant to them. That was when the Lord said to me, " Don't you realise that his mother is the daughter of a King.At that very moment the minister turned around and laid his hands on my son's head and prayed for him,then as if nothing had happened at all my son strolled back down the aisle and sat down next to me in the pew. Suddenly he looked up at me and exclaimed,"Mama I can see out of my bad eye." He put his hand over his good eye and  started pointing out things . "Mama I can see that exit sign.Mama I can see that man's tie it has horses on it." The minister asked if anyone felt like they had been healed  to come up to the front of the church. My son leapt up and made a beeline for the front of the church. When he was asked if his eye had been healed he told the minister yes. So the minister put his big hand over my son's good eye and started asking him what he could see and my son began pointing this out and that out. On the way home on the church bus he pointed out every single street sign reading them all  all the way home. Something he could not have done only 4 hours earlier. You see God is indeed no respecter of persons. My little son with his childlike faith was just as important to God as anyone there that night.You see that's what God was looking for. What He looks for in all of us is an open heart.

Kateira ©1999




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