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Twenty-Nine Days

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One evening in late November I was visiting at my sister's home. We had been studying the Bible , praying and singing praise songs. As I began walking back and forth across the floor singing praise songs to the Lord I began to pray . The Lord began to speak to me ,not in an audible voice but in a thought. The thought came into my head to continue to walk back and forth across the living room and to count the times in times of days. As I prayed I began to count 1-2-3 and so forth and then the thought ,"STOP." I had walked across the floor exactly 29 times . Then the thought came,"In 29 days there shall be 29 blessings both spiritual and material."

I went on back home not thinking much on what had occured. The next day things began to happen. I was raising my 3 children by myself and money was always close and the time was drawing near to Christmas. I used to say every year I would lay away my kids Christmas by Grace through Faith with this prayer,"Lord It will soon be Christmas . I only ask this one time a year that you help me be able to afford to get my children something small for Christmas." Every year it was a struggle but somehow the Lord always came through . This year it was particularly rough.The year before I had relocated from Indiana back to Kentucky and started a new job . My youngest brother had also come to live with me and I was the only one working. First someone gave us some food and then ,{I know this is small thing }I didn't have any Christmas decorations. I had lost mine in the move.The kids found a whole box of Christmas decorations while they were out walking that some store had thrown away. Once my kids were wishing they could have some chocolate pudding and when we opened the back door there sat an unopened box of chocolate pudding lying there near the back step.As Christmas drew near I was running out of money and the girl who had my name at work for our Christmas gift exchange gave me $25.00. She said she didn't know why she just suddenly felt like she should give me money instead of a gift.On Christmas Eve another girl asked me if I needed any extra food for Christmas. It seems she had fixed a Christmas meal and had so much food she didn't know what to do with it. She suddenly felt she should ask me if I could use it for my kids. That Christmas day we ate like kings. We had every wonderful food imaginable for our little Christmas feast.

Oh yes and the spiritual blessings, during that 29 days my brother in law and my neice were baptised as well as several other members of our family making decisions for their lives. This is something my sister and I had really been praying about. Our faith really grew during this time.

I had these small green cards and everytime we would recieve a blessing I would fill out one of those little green cards and put it on our small Christmas tree. Everyday we would wait to see what kind of blessing we would recieve .On some days nothing would happen but the next day 2 or 3 things would occur. At the end of those 29 days I took the little green cards off of the tree and counted them. There were exactly twenty-nine cards.

Kateira © 1999


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