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The Garden

Spring had come early that year. One of my favorite things in the whole world is to work in my flower garden, but this particular Spring I was so broke as the saying goes that I didn't have 2 pennies to rub together. I went out into my yard and was surveying what needed to be done and wishing I had some money to go buy some plants. I started to have my daily talk with God, which is   often hourly actually. I said,"Oh gee Lord I really wish I had some flowers to plant in my garden." Then I said,"That's okay Lord you've given me so much already. I guess the flowers will have to wait." I decided I'd go ahead and weed the beds.I had 2 flower beds, one on each side of my front porch steps. One was a rock garden but it was completely overgrown with weeds and ivy. The other was smaller and it was where I usually planted petunias and marigolds. I decided to weed the smaller bed and let the rock garden go until the next day, figuring it would be an all day adventure. At about this same time my landlady had decided to put aluminium siding on our apartment house, so her handyman had been coming over everyday and putting up siding. The next day when I got up to my great surprise the handy man had completely weeded out the rock garden, because he was going to paint the porch and the foundation. I was standing there looking at it and wondering what I was going to do with it when I heard a voice suddenly say,"Hey would you like some bedding plants to put in that rock garden." It was my neighbor from across the street. She said," I'm thinning my flower beds out and I think I have just the things for you to plant in it." I said,"Sure and thanks alot." She said ,"I'll bring them over a little later and set them on your porch." I thought she'd bring me about maybe 10 or 15 plants, but later when I went out to look,  there on my porch sat about 25 plants of all different varieties. It was everything you could look for. So I set about planting them  and praising God and praying over each plant as I planted it.{ That's my usual thing to do when ever I plant  flowers}. Not only did I have enough plants for the rock garden but I also had enough to plant my other bed. Then I went back in my apartment and sat down and rested for a bit. Then I decided to take the garbage out. Just as I went out my back door another neighbor who lived in back of me said ,"Say I have some extra flowers in my flower garden would you like to have some. I noticed you were out there working in you flower beds this morning." So she came over and brought me some more flowers. It wasn't very long before my flowerbeds were filled to the brim with all these beautiful flowers. A gift from God simply because I'd mentioned it to Him in passing. That Spring I had the prettiest flower beds I had ever had . Far prettier than any flower bed in the past when I had the money to buy flowers.   Now I tell everybody it's not my flower garden it's the one God gave to me. How infinite God's love for us . That He even took the time to see to it that I had flowers for my garden.

Kateira ©1999

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