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The Gathering

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The sky was percieveably a different shade of blue,

Just a slight derivation, a more penetrating hue.

Now a sound unheard before, a strange immutable chord,

Different in it's variation, it pierced the soul like a sword.

Then the sky opened up like a curtain, angels coursing to and fro.

Across the whole horizon wide down to the earth they did go.

In their midst stood the Son of Light, arms reaching outward,wide.

He spoke,"Come now my children, I gather you to my Father's side."

Now graves began to burst open,people rising before my sight.

Some I knew, their appearances changed, filled with an inner light.

"Something's happening to me, being drawn upward,I am!!!"

Now an echoing chorus,"Behold God's Son, The LAMB."

© Kateira


For now we see through a  glass darkly, but then face to face....

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