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Heart's Desire

Last fall I was encouraged by my brother to try and see if I could get financing to purchase a home of my own.I had lived in rental apartments for most of my adult life. I had even said to my brother,"People like you and me were never meant to own a home of our own", to my great surprise on the first try I was able to secure the financing. After about two weeks of searching and one very disappointing refusal of an offer on a house on I really liked which I thought just perfect at the time . I began searching again when one of my brother's employees told him about a house she had seen which she thought was exactly what I was looking for. My brother went and looked at it and video taped it.(I had to work that particular evening.) When he came back he cried and said ,”This is your house, you will cry when you see it.” I had a look at the video tape and it appeared to be quite lovely so I called our realty agent and requested to have a look at it. I was praying about the decision to buy a house that morning when I was to view the house. I spoke with the Lord. My prayer was in this manner," If it is your will for me to buy a home or if it is not it’s okay I only want your will in this matter." Almost immediately the answer came, gently and ever so sweetly ,not in words but in a thought, “YOU SHALL HAVE YOUR HOME MY LITTLE ONE." He is so kind ..God is so good..He later told me how I would know which house was the right one was to remember how it was when I got my job at my present place of employment.How everything just fell into place , all the obstacles fell by the way, one after another. This would be the pattern of receiving the house that He wanted for me ..and so it was ..When I went into look at the house I was surprised. There were things about the house that I had always wanted if I ever bought a home, the tile on the kitchen floor was the exact same kind I had picked out to redo the kitchen floor in my apartment. The ceiling fan in the master bedroom was the exact same one I had been eyeing for sometime at my favorite department store, the front yard had 3 dogwood trees I’ve always wanted to have a dogwood tree and as if to add icing on the cake, I love weeping cherry trees and there was one of them in the front yard also. The seller accepted our offer within 24 hours and agreed to pay all closing costs.. The bank approved the loan the next Monday and on Wednesday of that same week the appraiser approved of the price of the house. The following Wednesday the house inspector okayed the house. The house closed Friday October 22nd 2004.I moved in the first week in November. Just as God had promised everything fell into place and all obstacles were overcome all within a 2 month period from start to the finish. Our God is an awesome God. He shall give you the desires of your heart just as the Holy Scriptures say.

Kateira ©2005




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