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The Line

There's a line drawn right down the middle of your fleshly heart,

I can not travel past that place to reach the inner part.


So here I stand and weep for you, all that's wondrous lost,

As if only I could see the price you'll pay, THE COST,


You say ,"The issue's closed for now."

With all my heart I make this vow,


That I will strive to seek God's face, this matter to disclose,

Til all of Heaven's boundaries my tears it overflows.


When atlast no other earthly breath I breathe,

Then from life's sojourn my soul takes leave.


I will pray and seek with love, outside,

Your soul's safety that you've denied.


Standing inside God's Heaven's Gate,

Still intercede for your soul's fate.

KateiraŠ October 4,1997



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