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God Will Provide Our Needs

One day I had decided to leave my money at home when I went to work because there had been several thefts at the place where I   worked. I remember carefully putting my purse up in my dresser drawer. It contained my rent money for the last half of the month,  also  about $5.00 and some change , all together  $87.50. When I returned home from work I was looking for enough change to buy me a coke. I went into shock. All of the money was gone and I wouldn't be paid for another week and a half. I was just about hysterical. At first I thought maybe I had just misplaced it, maybe it had fallen out of my purse but a thorough search of my apartment  revealed the awful truth. I had been robbed. Two of my daughter's friends had come over while I was at work and asked for some cigarettes of which we had none and while my daughter went into the other room for something they had gotten in my purse and stole the money.

I had been living in Indiana alone with my 3 children for about 2 years. The closest relative lived about 20 miles away in   Kentucky. I had moved away from my home in Kentucky in order to find work and money was really tight. We always managed to make ends meet with the Good Lord's help, but this latest catastrophy just about did me in. The only money I had coming in at the time was meager paycheck I recieved working at a nursing home and a  small amount of child support which I recieved at the beginning of each month. When this happened it was near the end of the month. With no money coming  in sight. We were also running out of food. To say I was desperate is minimizing the situation. I really started praying hard for the Lord's help. He has quite often been my only refuge. I remember I was crying, as I lay in my bed . Suddenly the Lord brought to my mind a story a minister had told me once how his widowed mother would kneel down in her kitchen and say "Lord tonight I have food for my children but tomorrow there will be none. Now Father I have done all that I can do now it is up to you." The next day either someone would come carrying a basket of food or someone would come and offer her a job. So I knelt down beside my bed and prayed this same simple prayer. The next evening a girl from a local church who had heard about my plight  brought me a bag of groceries. The next day another church that had heard and brought me a check for $72.00. The following day another church brought me another check for $80.00. I told them that I had already recieved a check but they insisted I keep the it anyway. Result: I had been robbed of $87.50. The Lord  touched peoples hearts and I recieved double what had been taken when you included the groceries. The Lord really is Jehovah Jireh. Yes, my God indeed supplied all my needs. What rejoicing there was that day in our little apartment.

Kateira ©1999

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