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A Gift for Mother's Day

A strange thing, or rather miraculous depends on your point of view happened, this May. My daughter was unable to send me any roses on Mother’s Day. She called the day before and bless her heart just cried and cried because she didn’t have enough money to send me yellow roses on Mother's Day . (She always sends me yellow roses faithfully every year.) I told her not to worry ,"That people are more important than things and just hearing her dear voice meant more to me than any roses could ever." In March of this year I had planted 14 rose bushes of various different colors in the back yard . They had been purchased from a Garden Center and they were certified and guaranteed roses. When I planted them I stapled the pictures of each rose next to each specific plant on the fence near them. They began to bloom the week between Mother’s Day and my Birthday. Now granted three of the rose bushes I planted were yellow in color but only one bloomed and it was very disappointing, but then something strange happened. First the Paradise rose bloomed. It was supposed to be a red and mauve rose, instead it was yellow when it bloomed. I didn’t think much about it at the time figuring it might have been a mistake from the Garden Center, but then the Mojave rose bloomed . It was supposed to be orange in color. It also was yellow when it bloomed. Then the White Magic rose bloomed ,(a white rose) . It bloomed yellow also. I was quite upset quite about this and so called the Garden Center and complained. They gave me 3 new more expensive rose bushes . Which was very nice of them .One night shortly after that I came home from work and was sitting in the backyard relaxing and mulling over recent events.. When suddenly The Lord spoke to me ( not in a voice but in a thought),"WHY ARE YOU FUSSING ABOUT THE ROSES?" You got your yellow roses for your Birthday didn’t you? I was greatly humbled at this statement.That God should take the time to do such a thing. You see God takes care of even the small things. The Love of God is everywhere you see and as the Bible says His eye is even the sparrow or in this case something as minute as on an old silly woman wanting yellow roses for her birthday. I am blessed truly blessed that He should love me so. A post script (I have 3 Children).

Kateira ©2005

"Joy in the Journey"

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