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My Testimony

I was going through a really difficult time in my childhood.

I was about 12 years old.Part of it was growing pains and

part of it was preteen angst. I was giving my parents a really

hard time. All of the family really felt sorry for my Mom.

"She had me." I was a really high tempered child, constantly

having temper tantrums. Fortunately for me I had  my Aunt

Helen in my corner and she knew exactly what to do. She had

the one thing in the whole world that my young heart desired.

"A Horse!!!" So she invited me to come for a visit to her

farm in Indiana. I begged my parents to go and they gave me

permission to go. So off I went to Indiana with visions of

horses dancing in my head. Little did I imagine that what lay

ahead of me would be a life changing experience. For every

evening she would sit in her parlour with her children and have

a Bible Study. It was at one of these Biblestudies that I

gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. She was reading from

the book of Revelations. Forever lit in my memory is that

moment in time where beyond a shadow of a doubt , I came to

the realization that I would be hopelessly lost without Him.

That evening kneeling down by her couch in that tiny parlour

I became irrevocably His and He became mine. Ever since then

He has been my Dearest Friend and closest Companion. I had

always been a very lonely child, living in my head in dreams.

After that one glorious moment in time I was never alone again.

When I returned home people remarked on the change in me.The

next Sunday I answered the alter call in our little Baptist Church.

I can never repay the debt I owe my dear Aunt Helen. You

never know the effect you can have on the life of a child just

by reaching out and giving of yourself. She has since passed on.

She is greatly missed by all who knew her. I know in my heart

as she passed through that Heavenly Portal she heard these

words," Well done my Good and Faithful Servant, Enter into your



Kateira ©1999
