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The Watcher


Off in a far dark corner, above the Earth so high,

Mischief is in the making, in the swiftly darkening sky.


Brooding in that corner, schemes confusion in the air,

Troubles definitely brewing, wild and strange and rare.


It's quite an unexpected shock to terrrify the soul,

Frightening our hearts, these things we can't control.


That evil bag of tricks, swirling lightening,wind and thunder.

Reaching down towards us, tearing lives and homes asunder.


Far above that dark corner, in another time and space,

There is Another watching, from that other Place.


Hearing prayers yet unsaid and actions yet undone,

The Father watches lovingly over each and everyone.


For the things that man can't solve,solutions God has found,

We should with thanksgiving give the Giver all way round.


Kateira © January 6, 2000

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On January 3, 2000 at approximately 4:10 p.m.on a Monday afternoon a class f 3 tornado struck Daviess County, Kentucky causing an estimated 70 million dollars in damage. It's path ran right through the center of that city, damaging schools,churches, daycares, a shopping mall, apartment buildings and 2277 homes. Not one person was killed and only one was seriously injured. It is to this great miracle and all the precious people who prayed for us during this time that this poem is dedicated.<((((< Kateira <((((<

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