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Angels Have Wings,

so do other things.

One day this past summer I was looking out my living room window when suddenly I noticed something fluttering on the window screen. Upon closer examination I realized that a baby Cardinal had gotten it's foot hung on the screen. I called to my brother who was in the house. and told him about the baby Cardinal. Then we went out side to free it.Just as we approached the little bird it suddenly became very still,as if it somehow knew that we meant no harm.We didn't want to injure it.I was about to go back into the house to find a soft cloth to cover it with while we were extracating it from the screen. All at once our dog Kelly burst out into the street from our fenced in backyard right into the path of an oncoming car. My brother called out her name just in time to get Kelly's attention and so she moved over slightly and was only hit with a glancing blow by the vehicle. She rolled back up on the bank and only had a minor scrape on her chin.Thank the Lord, but that was not the only amazing thing .When we looked back up the baby Cardinal had vanished. We searched everywhere to no avail. We never did find it.The only thing I know is that if the baby Cardinal hadn't caught my attention we wouldn't have been there in time to save our dog Kelly. Angel or Cardinal I am not sure, but I believe it was God's intervention that saved our beloved pet.


Kateira ©2005

"He'll Take Care of The Rest"

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