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God's Rose - A Summer Miracle

One year on my birthday in May my sister sent me a lovely bouquet of salmon colored roses (actually she had ordered pink roses ,her favorite, but the florist sent me salmon colored roses instead). What neither my sister or the florist knew was that this particular color of rose was my favorite...I had never said any thing to her about it and usually my family members send me yellow roses ( a preference from my youth). When the roses arrived you can imagine my amazement ...It was a lovely bouquet and lasted almost 2 weeks .. At the end of the 2 weeks I was about to throw the roses in the trash can when I noticed something unusual. Several of the rose stems had started sprouting new branches..I will add that I have never had this happen before...I took 2 of the stems and planted them in my garden and said a little prayer. Not thinking they would survive.I just had a little hope in my heart that they might, to my amazement one of the stems took root and started to grow into a little rose bush not only that but after a while two little rosebuds started to appear.At about the same time I was going through a difficult situation at my job. I began to pray and seek the Lord's guidance during that week and slowly day by day as the situation began to change for the better one of the rosebuds began to open up. On the day that the situation was resolved it burst into full bloom . An exact duplicate of the single rose from which it had sprung.

KateiraŠ 8/11/03

"He'll Take Care of the Rest"

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