About this site...
Here are a few thing's about this lovely site of mine, that some people have been asking me about. and for those out there who have no clue as to what "cosplay" is. This is my site that I will be featureing many different cosplayer's on, as soon as I get my camera and plenty of film, people often ask me "Why don't you just get a regular digital camera?" The answer to that is, I like the old film camera's for taking picture's for cosplay modeling, and everything else, I'll only use a digital for small thing's like taking picture's of random thing's and waht not. By the time the next Animazment comes around, I should have my new car, my camera, my cosplay buiness cards, and plenty of film and what not. Next year, I'm going to try and bring my girlfriend, Charlotte and one of my good friends from school, his name's Ervin along with me. Neither of them have ever been to a convention before, so I think that I'll bring them along for this craziness of ours!! What do you guys n gals think? lol But at any rate, this website is to help show those deprived people who've never seen anime or cosplay before what it is, what its about, and why we crazy ass anime freaks do it!!! I hope that this small page has explained a little bit more about this site'o'mine, if it hasn't, then please feel free to e-mail with your question's and I will be more than happy to try and answer them, until then!!! And always remember, be true to your cosplay!!! Laters!!! Oh, btw. I can mostly be found wondering around taking loads of picture's at Animezment.
Email: ragnarok_1981@hotmail.com