Nicholas P. Maloney
Nic-names: Kei-Chan & Ragnarok(Most used names)
Weakness: Strawberry Pocky
Strenghs: Love & Hate
Well hi there, yes this is the wonderful Kei-Chan that most of you know. In one way of another. I've sure that most of you have read most of my posts about looking for people who are interested in doing a same cosplay because I really don't wanna be the only one at the convention cosplaying as someone from the paticular series. Just like Animazment 2004!!! There were only two Love Hina cosplayer's out of the whole convention!!! It was just me, as Keitaro and then another girl who was cosplaying as Naru. And that was it!!! It drove me nuts. But at any rate. I live in New Bern, North Carolina for everyone who lives here in the states, for everyone who lives everywhere else around the world, I'm on the east coast of the USA. I am currently doing about 5 prodjects right now. 2 of them are my very own manga's. Yes I'm an american trying to write and draw his own Japanese comic book. They're entitled, Happy Girl and Girl Rave. The other prodjects are a novel and a play by the same title, Ragnarok, and I'm putting together a poetry book of my best works entitled, Secrets of the Soul. Charlotte and I just spent our 1 month anniversary together May 29th, she's muh sexah lil english gurl, that she is. Opps! Slipped into my Kenshin accent again. lol At any rate, that's about all there is to me. Anything else you wanna know, well e-mail then. Laters.