Pix of BOO
Faveorite Bands
Raver punk?!?!?
My Livejournal diary thing
I'm a pot head, are you?
December, 3rd 2001
Full Name: Aryka "That is all ye need to know."
Sex: Female.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual. Leaning ~*A LITTLE*~ more to guys. 60/30 or something! :)
Where did you get your name? My original spelling *Arika* was made up by my mom and my aunt Sue, or so they thought. It's really a Japanese spelling.
My friends call me:BOO. It's my party name, and general nic name. I got it from "Monsters INC".
There are many variations on it- depending on my mood... they include: Riot Boo, Miss Boo, Booey-Boo, Boo Bear... sooo many more.
Parents:Debbie and Bill.
Siblings: Jeni 24, and Mike 34.
Age: 18! I'm BAREly legal!
How old do people think you are? I have gotten everything from 12-21. It's most frequently 14 or so.
Birthday: August 31st 1984
Zodiac Sign: Born under Virgo, but I am a Leo. Don't ask, it’s a loooong story.
Peircings: Classic female ear piercings- single lobe, Center lip ring AKA High Labret - 14g, Left eyebrow - 16g. I am going to get a right nostril, and a tongue ring as well. Maybe a few more holes in my ears and gauged out a few more notches.
Grew up where? Stoughton Wisconsin.
Current residence: Stoughton Wisconsin.
School: Stoughton High School.
Grade: I am taking classes *Goverment, Careers, Psych, General shit* for my HSED tests. So- I guess I am a 2nd year senior.
Mascot: Vikings. "We, We are, We are the Mighty Vikings!"
Height: 5'4. I used to be 5'3- and that was a much better height. I liked it. I grew an inch- and my life went to hell. I started prostituting myself, I went on a massive crack binge… and now I am naked and weeping- wishing I were an inch shorter.
Shoe Size: In men's I wear a 6, in women's I wear a 7 1/2… foot fetish much?
Hair Colour: Blonde. Yes- there is some bleach to make it lighter- but it is naturally blonde, just not this shade.
Eye Colour: Dark Blue.
Subject in School: Literary Writing, Drama, Choir, and English Lit. I am really into lit classes.
Movie: "GROOVE" is holy! But I also like "Fight Club", "SLC Punk!", All the CKY movies, "The Green Mile", "Monsters INC" and cheesy romances that make me cry.
Actress: Sky Lopez. :P
Actor: Wes Bentley.
Food: Egg Rolls! Chinese in general! YUM!
Drink: Green tea, grape juice, Evian, Drano...
TV Show(s): "All Things Rock" "Jackass", "DisMissed", "Whose Line Is It Anyway?", "Undressed". "ElimiDate", and "The Fifh Wheel"... Despite the fact that most of those shows are on MTV- I HATE MTV! BOOOO!
Thing to do on the weekend: Rave!
Teams: Vikings high school football, and Badgers College Football!
Store: Hot Topic, Gadzooks, The Cat's Meow, and Pacific Sunwear. Dont tell anyone I said any of that... I got a rep to protect dig?
Sport: Soccer and basketball to play, Football to watch.
Place to go on vacation: New Orleans.
Scary Movie: "Cherry Falls" and "Scream"
Day of the week: Friday or Saturday.
Bands: GOOD CHARLOTTE, Stroke 9, 311, Nine Inch Nails, System of a Down, Deadsy, The Strokes, The White Stripes, The Hives, Pink Floyd, Papa Roach... I could go on and on about my fave bands dude.
Solo Artists: John Mayer, Fiona Apple, Heather Nova.
Do you actually like math? Hell no. I gotta learning disability… it sucks ass.
Who are your best female friends? Debbie is my bestest friend, followed very closely by Cortney, Samantha and I lurk in the shadows and she has made me some kool shtuff for my page... notice the flashing Aryka thing...
Who are your best guy pals? I have guy pals? I'm kidding... MJ is prolly my best guy friend of the moment.
Do you do any drugs? I used to do E a whole lot... but I stoped... 11 months sober November 1st :) I smoked weed prolly about once or twice a week though... :)
Which is the best? Ecstasy. I was addicted to it for a year. People will tell you that E isnt addictive, but I bear witness that it is.
How many people are on your buddy lists? A lot. Do you wanna be my buddy?? :P
How long are you in the shower for? 15 to 30 minutes. Depending what I gotta do and stuff. Don't be disgusting kyd- I know what your thinking!
Do you have any pets? Satanic dog named Lydiah, and 3 Kitties… Romeo, Briquette AKA Kunta, and Sushi. I looove Sushi cat! He is my fuzz*E butt!
What make up do you wear? Depends on where I am going… the most I wear is foundation, mascara, glitter, and lip-gloss.
Do you like your guy/gal in a hat? Vizorz dude! They rawk out so much harder!
Worst fear? Ummm… Death prolly. I am so terrified to die.
Best feeling in the world? Standing in the back at a party and watching everyone dancing and smiling as the lights shine down on them. ::sigh:: Or seeing Good Charlotte in concert. MMMMM!
Worst? Most reccently, when I heard that my former best friend said that I'm not a true raver... I'm just a poser! Just cos I dont roll anymore dosent make me a poser... That makes me sad.
Who was the best president? Damn… I dunno. I can't say cos I think that all of them have made their fucked up choices just like everyone… and all of them have been kool for different reasons, thus why they were elected. I'm not really the person to talk politics with… I don’t know too much about them.
Where do you werk? I don’t have a 'real' job… I baby-sit for people on occasion… but that isn’t a steady income… so I am still seeking. I *HAVE* werked at a super market, as a tellemarketer, and as a video store clerk.
Who was the best James Bond? The one and only Bond has been Sean Connery... speaking of, in "Gold finger" when that secretary gets killed by covering her body in gold paint… Wooooah! She looks so good lying there all gold!
Whose E-mail do you always answer? Everyone's. I love writing E-mail… they are way too long and I babble a lot… but I like writing them.
Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Sheski. He showed me the wonderful world of acting… and that I was meant to do it.
If you could have one super power what would it be? Being able to read peoples minds. Then I'd know who I can fuck with- and who I can't.
If you were granted eternal life and only you could have it, would you do it? Nope. I wouldn't wanna piss God off, and I wouldn't want to loose all the people I love.
What song makes you think of someone you know? All of my faveorite songs remimd me of certain places, and people. I dont have enough time to write them all down... ;)
How much money do u have on you right now? None, all my money goes to parties dude!
BILL CLINTON: Oral Office.
ABORTION: Naughty.
TEENAGE SMOKING: Light me that pipe biatch!
STALKERS: STAAALKER GIRL! What a little stalker girl!
MARILYN MANSON: Lee and his manson shirt... Brucious and his manson obbsession!
GUY BANDS: Straight, Gay, or boy band.
DEATH: Do not go gentle- into that good night.
TITANIC: My heart will go on! ::crying::
JERRY SPRINGER: The security guard did security for a Chi Town rave.
SCHOOL VIOLENCE: That weird dream about Kevin getting my prom dress bloody. Ick.
SOUTH PARK: "You guys wanna get high?"
CHEATING: It isn’t cheating if you can’t remember it, it isn’t cheating if they are not in the same area code, it isn’t cheating if…