People think your natural eye colour is red.
You flip thru 20 channels before you realize all you wanted to do was turn up the volume.
You dont know a single person who dosent smoke pot.
You have to smoke a couple joints before you do anything serious.
You can pack a bowl with your mind.
You respond to any old name, cos you forgot what your name is.
You give your ashes 'proper' funnerals.
You watch cartoons on mute, so you can listen to your disc-man at the same time.
You've gone 'prospecting' for crumbs in your car's floor mats.
You've been sucessfull in 'prospecting'.
You've ever been too stoned too eat.
You dont know how the last bowl got packed, but you smoke it anyways.
Your physically unable to hold the pipe, so you try to make your friend do it... but they cant either.
You have no idea where you got the lighter your using.
You thought "Lost in Space" was a 'Cheech and Chong' movie.
You dont smoke ciggeretes, but you have more then one lighter on you at all times.
You get high on 4:20 in differant time zones (Brendan: "Maybe if we smoke enough- WE'LL GO BACK IN TIME!!!")
You've gotten lost in your own house.
You've asked someone where the lighter is, when your holding it.
You take a hit, pass it on... and immdeiatly want to know when its your turn and who is Bogarting the bowl.