So... right about now your looking suspiciously at your computer thinking: What the HELL is a RAVER PUNK?
Trust me- I get that a lot... and I will explain...
A raver punk is one who follows the set ideals of both raving, and the punk scene/movement.
We listen to punk, we listen to electronica. We wear our kandy along with our bondage cuffs and dog collars.
If you think about the rave scene and the punk scene have a lot in commen:
-> Both scenes celebrate music first and foremost.
-> Ravers and punks are awfully eye-catching.
-> The scenes started as an underground movement.
-> Both celebrate anarchy and breaking away from the norm.
As far as I know, I am the only self-proclaimed raver punk in the general Madison WI area.
I am both PLURry and bitchy... Totally sweet and totally negative. Its a strange combination- but I am a strange girl. :)
If you have any complaints, questions, or general musings about my termonology... feel free to E-mail.
- Miss Boo