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The North Ship

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I. 'All catches alight'
II. 'This was your place of birth'
III. 'The moon is full tonight'
IV. Dawn
V. Conscript
VI. 'Kick up the fire'
VII. 'The horns of the morning'
VIII. Winter
IX. 'Climbing the hill within the deadfening wind'
X. 'Within the dream you said'
XI. Night-Music
XII. 'Like the train's beat'
XIII. 'I put my mouth'
XIV. Nursery Tale
XV. The Dancer
XVI. 'The bottle is drunk out by one'
XVII. 'To write one song I said'
XVIII. 'If grief could burn out'
XIX. Ugly Sister
XX. 'I see a girl dragged by the wrists'
XXI. 'I dreamed of an out-thrust arm of land'
XXII. 'One man walking a deserted platform'
XXIII. 'If hands could free you, heart'
XXIV. 'Love, we must part now: do not let it be'
XXV. 'Morning has spread again'
XXVI. 'This is the first thing'
XXVII. 'Heaviest of flowers, the head'
XXVIII. 'Is it for now or for always'
XXIX. 'Pour away that youth'
XXX. 'So through that unripe day you bore your head'
XXXI. The North Ship
XXXII. 'Waiting for breakfast, while she brushed her hair'