To the Story of Jonah
Written for my son Mark
Who loves this story but,
His little story Book was very incomplete
Even for him at the age of 2.
So, I read it to him straight from
My study Bible with a little editing
For entertainment and age appropriatness sake.
I hope that you enjoy it as much as he does,
and you are welcome to share it.
It all came from the Book of Jonah.

Jonah & The Fish
Once Upon A Time…
There was a man named Jonah.
He was the son of a man named Amittai.
God spoke to Jonah telling him to leave
and go to the city of Nineveh.
Jonah didn’t want to go so,
he ran away from God.
He tried to go tried to go to Tarshish instead.
So, he went to Joppa and got on a boat
heading towards Tarishish.
When they were at sea a big storm came up.
It was so powerful everyone on the boat
thought it was going to break up and sink.
So, the captain went to Jonah asking him to pray
to God so, they might be saved.
Then they threw dice to find out who
had brought the disaster upon them.
When the dice showed it was Jonah
they asked him, “Why? What had he done?”
He told them, “I am a Hebrew,
who worships the Lord God in Heaven.”
They became more afraid.
They knew he must be running away from God.
Jonah told them, “Throw me over board.”
So, they did and cried out to God as they did.
They asked for his forgiveness towards them
and offered sacrifices.
Then a big Fish came up and swallowed Jonah.
While in the fish Jonah prayed to God
for His forgiveness.
He told God that the he would sacrifice
for the Lord with songs of Thanksgiving.
Keep his vow.
For Victory belongs to the Lord!
Then the Lord had the big fish spit Jonah out
Jonah landed on the shore.
Then God told Jonah again to go to Nineveh
and Give the people His message.
Jonah went this time.
He spoke to the people
to give them God’s message.
That if they did not change their ways
God was going to destroy them.
So, the king of Nineveh and the people fasted,
dressed in sack cloth, and prayed to God.
God saw the people had turned
from their wicked ways so,
he had mercy on them.
The city was not destroyed.
Jonah became anger at God
for his mercy on the people of Nineveh.
He left the city going east.
Jonah found a place and made shelter.
During the night
God made a plant grow next to Jonah
to give him more shade and comfort.
Then the next night
God had sent a worm
to make the plant wither and die.
Jonah became angry again.
God asked him,
“what right he had to be angry over the plant?”
Jonah said, “I have every right.”
The Lord replied,
“This plant grew overnight and died over night.
You didn’t plant it or make it grow.
Yet you feel sorry for this plant.
Shouldn’t I feel sorry
for this important city, Nineveh?
It has more then 120,000 people in it
as well as many animals.
These people couldn’t tell their right
hand from their left.”

The End