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Title: Nocturne
Author: shell
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ginny/Hermione
Spoilers: None really.
Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns these lovely characters--I'm only borrowing them and trying to show them a good time. No money is being made from this story... it's all for fun.
Archive: Ask nicely. :-)
Warnings: There is sex. And it's pretty explicit. However, I'm envisioning them both as older than in Goblet of *least* 15 or 16.
Note: All feedback is welcomed. Please tell me what you thought!
Summary: Hermione awakens to the sound of someone weeping, and can't help but investigate...


-Hermione sat bolt upright in her bed, breathing hard and eyes wide open. For a moment she sat there, blinking and trying to get her bearings. All around her seemed peaceful and quiet. Her roommates slept quietly; moonlight seeped into the bedchamber and pooled beneath the window and silvered the curtains of her bed. Why had she awakened? Although she was prone to panic attacks around tests, there were none for months; she couldn't remember having a bad dream; and all seemed disconcertingly silent. Except-Hermione paused. She could hear something-a soft sniffling sound. Someone was crying. Hermione sighed. She simply couldn't go back to sleep now until she found out who was crying. She recalled all too well what it was like to awaken, alone and terrified or sad. It had happened to her all her life, and especially since coming to Hogwarts.
Hermione rummaged under her pillow to find her wand and muttered a spell to muffle her movements before slipping quietly from her bed. Another murmured charm indicated the direction of the weeper. As silently as possible, she followed the direction of the wand into another of the bedchambers in the Gryffindor girls' dormitory. Standing in the doorway, she frowned. This was…Ginny Weasley's room! Another sniffle clinched it. The weeper was Ginny. Hermione quietly entered the room and, pitching her voice softly, called, "Ginny? It's me, Hermione…" The sniffles stopped. Then a soft, tear-ragged voice responded, "Hermione? Why…?" Hermione pulled aside the curtains to expose a huddled Ginny, clutching her knees in the midst of her big canopy bed. In the pale moonlight, her red curls were dark as wine, her blotched and freckled face bleached. Hermione whispered, "I woke up and then I heard you." "Sorry…"Ginny trailed off, looking away. Hermione reached over and touched her arm. "It's okay," she said comfortingly. "I used to wake up all the time too…" Ginny smiled, tremulously but gratefully. On impulse, Hermione offered, "Want me to stay? I can do a Quieting Charm and we can talk for a little if you like." Ginny nodded twice. Hermione briskly performed the spell and then slid into bed beside her, under the white sheets. "So, did you have a bad dream?" she asked the younger girl.
To Hermione's surprise, the younger girl blushed redly. "Not exactly," she said. "It was a nice dream…I was just sorry to wake up from it." All the while, Ginny had been avoiding looking into Hermione's eyes, but as she finished she looked up and met Hermione's gaze. To the older girl's surprise, she felt a shock run through her. Perhaps it was startlement at Ginny's boldness…what else could it be? Hermione asked herself. Even as this thought passed through her head, she noticed that the younger girl was trembling. Instinctively, she held out her arm and Ginny snuggled into it. When Hermione scooted back against the pillows, the two ended up in a comfortably cozy position with Hermione on her back and Ginny pillowed against one shoulder, face in the crook of Hermione's neck. "So…"Hermione finally asked, unable to contain her curiosity, "what were you dreaming of?" Ginny paused, and Hermione could practically feel the warmth as the smaller girl blushed again. "It was a dream about…about a girl," Ginny finally responded. "And…?"Hermione prompted. "Andwewerenakedtogetherandtouchingeachotherall over," Ginny said in a rush. She quickly buried her face in Hermione's neck. "You did ask!" she reminded Hermione in an embarrassed squeak. Hermione, however, was still trying to process the information. "Do you…do you usually like girls that way?" she asked Ginny. "You don't, do…?" She was cut off by a small nod from Ginny. "Oh," Hermione said, feeling rather silly. Unable to stop herself, she asked quickly, "Have you ever done…you know…?" Ginny nodded again. "Um…was it nice? What was it like?" Ginny was silent a moment longer. Then, just when Hermione was wondering if the younger girl was going to respond, if she shouldn't have asked, Ginny raised herself up on her arms, said softly "like this", and propelled herself onto Hermione.
As their lips met, Hermione felt a momentary sense of startlement, of wondering what in the world she was getting herself into, before she was lost in the warm, wet sensation. Ginny swirled her mouth around lightly before pressing more firmly, and teasing at Hermione's lips with her tongue. She could hear Ginny's breathing, fast and panicked, but Ginny was pressing down on top of her, melding their mouths into a tactile heaven of wet softness, and Ginny's legs were on either side of hers…Hermione could hardly bring herself to it, but by sheer force of will she pulled her mouth away. Ginny's breathing was even more audible, and she was staring at Hermione wide eyed. Hermione summoned her force of will and carefully said, "It's okay, you don't have to panic. I want it too." Suddenly there were tears glistening on Ginny's face and she buried her face in Hermione's neck, whispering, "I never thought, you're so smart and Ron's friend and I never thought you might like me, not really…"
Hermione raised Ginny's face up with a gentle hand and slowly, softly, began to kiss the tears away. The motion of their two bodies became undulating, then firm and rhythmic, and then the kisses were deeper and deeper and more intoxicating than wine, it was like being drunk on roses. Hermione tangled her hands in Ginny's hair and held on, and thought that this was the most incredible thing, to be drowning in sensation. The fabric of their cotton nightgowns was bunching up between them, and Ginny pulled away, sitting up, to try and pull her gown off. Hermione helped, then impatiently yanked her own off. Ginny lay down atop Hermione again-
And whatever the feeling of the two cotton-swathed bodies rubbing together had been, it was nothing to what the sensation of two naked bodies up against each other. Both girls gasped. Hermione, dizzied, realized that she could feel pebble-hard nipples brushing against her. She brought a hand up between their bodies to cup one breast, and Ginny arched back to let her, moaning. Then Ginny leaned down and Hermione felt that mouth on her own breasts, and thought she might die from the overwhelming sensations. The soft inviting mouth moved up to her neck, marking it, then teasingly back down to her breasts. The soft red curls tickled gently, only increasing the tactile sensitivity of Hermione's skin. Ginny's mouth migrated downward, tracing a curly path along the soft curves of belly, and landing a kiss just above the springy mound of hair below. Ginny's hand slipped along the inside of Hermione's thigh, and suddenly Hermione found herself sitting up, saying, "wait, are you sure you want…" Ginny, kneeling between Hermione's legs, looked imploringly towards Hermione, murmuring. "Please, I want to, let me please you…" And Hermione lay back down obediently and abandoned herself to Ginny's ministrations. She could feel one of Ginny's hands still stroking her things, encouraging them to spread wider, and the other delicately running down the parting of her outer lips, spreading them too. Hermione felt all of herself exposed, turned inside out, and she felt like the petals of an orchid. Then…warm breath, and the unimaginably divine wetness of tonguing inside her inner lips and around the bud of flesh above them. It felt like the new wings of a butterfly unfolding…an unknown pleasure on the brink of discovery. And then all was lapping, like waves on a shore, and the waves were carrying her higher and higher until she could not but crash, panting, on a new minted shore. After a moment, Ginny slipped up and into her arms, and the feeling of Ginny's thigh between her legs, pressing against her sensitive tissues, was exquisite torture. Hermione murmured in Ginny's ear, "that was unbelievable," and Ginny squeezed her hard, and by that same curious alchemy the squeeze transmuted into more rocking and pressing, and to Hermione's delight Ginny was moaning and writhing, and Hermione slipped a hand between Ginny's legs from behind and stroked her, and Ginny almost screamed as she reached her own paroxysm of ecstasy.
The two lay exquisitely still for a moment, Ginny's head pillowed on Hermione's breast. Then, to her dismay, Hermione felt a telltale wetness beneath Ginny's face…the wetness of silent tears. "Ginny! What's wrong?" she entreated the redhead. "Oh God, did I do something wrong? I never should have let this happen…" Ginny shook her head violently. "No, no!" she protested softly, in a tear choked voice. "It's just that…that no-one I was with before ever wanted to stay with me afterwards…" Hermione was horrified. "D'you want to talk about it?" she asked, trying to maintain a steady voice. Ginny nodded, and took a shuddering sigh. "The other girls I was with…" she began, "never wanted to touch me back. They were happy to let me touch them, and when they were satisfied, to get dressed and leave me. And I was the one with the unnatural desires, not them…" She fell silent. Hermione counted ten in order to keep from threatening death to the other girls that had dared to treat Ginny like that, which she suspected wouldn't be the most helpful thing she could do. "I swear I'll never treat you like that," she said earnestly. "I'll be happy and proud to acknowledge in front of everyone that you're my girlfriend…if you want to be that is," she added. In response, Ginny launched herself at Hermione again, covering her face with kisses. "I do!" she exclaimed fervently.
The two lay together, softly stroking each other, full of drowsy contentment. Finally, Hermione sighed and murmured, "I suppose I should go, unless you want to scandalize your roommates…" Ginny grabbed the other girl's arm and held on tight. "Please don't go!" she pleaded. "In the morning we can tell them that you came in to comfort me because I had a bad dream…" Hermione hesitated. Then she remembered the sound of Ginny's voice as it had sounded as she said, "No-one I was with before ever wanted to stay with me afterwards…" It was the last thing she wanted to do, to let Ginny think she was like the others. She could not bear to cause the younger girl that kind of pain. She rolled over and kissed Ginny's cheek. "All right, I'll stay," she whispered. "It's almost true anyway…" Ginny giggled, and cuddled up against Hermione, and the two girls fell into a dreamless and peaceful sleep.