Marisa Paull's Picture Page

Recitals, Parties, Randomness, etc

NEW!!!Video of Marisa dancing Sugar Plum

NEW!!!Backstage Views
Sleeping Beauty in Ljbuljana, Jan 07

NEW!!!Class Onstage
Sleeping Beauty in Ljbuljana, Jan 07

NEW!!!Performance, Polonaise
Sleeping Beauty in Ljbuljana, Jan 07

NEW!!!Bozicni Nastop 2006
(Christmas Performance 2006)


A Tale of Two Summers:
Of ris and Z, 2006

Walking Dancing On Water
August 2006

A Special/Shameful Presentation:
A short movie to show my engagement ring

Ft. Benning: A Visit

Slovenes in the City
Summer 06

Girls Gone Mild:
Girls-Only Weekend in Pula, Croatia, June 2006

International Ballet School Recital
Bled, Slovenia, 13 May 2006

April 2006

Perfomring "Preghiera" at the Park Hotel in Bled

Paull Family Unites in Europe Part II:
Ally (sister) and Christian(BF of Ally)

Paull Family Unites in Europe Part I:
Cathy (mom) comes to visit

Marisa's Students Dancing in Sezana:
The national gathering of Slovenian ballet schools

Christmas, New Year's 2005
(and 12 hours in Vienna)

Progress Evaluations:
Marisa's students, November 2005

Bled in the Snow


Studio Shots:
Dancing in Richmond

Our Summer Vacation:
A Croatian Sensation!

Visiting the Bell of Wishes

It's a Diesel!

Hiking in Kranjska Gora
(aka "Cliiiiimb every mountaaaaiiinn!")

Dnevi Baleta na Bledu
Days of Ballet in Bled

My First Days Living in Slovenia
Take a picture tour of my new home and see some of the cuties and beauties we encountered in our first days of vacation.

International Military Academy Ball
April 2005

100 Nights Until Everything Changes
Another Traditaional West Point Celebration

Christmas in Europe: A Photo Journal

Ring Weekend 2004: Solid Gold and Strapless Bras

Acceptance Day 2004: Marisa's Boyfriend On Parade

Marisa's Slovenian-Italian Adventure: EuroTrip 2004

"The Magic Circus:" West Point Dance Recital 2004

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