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Visions of a Warrior Soul


Star and Ocean

Finding Oneself

Divider Bar

Ocean Waves

I walked along the beach one night
and asked myself what am I missing?
all of sudden, a wave came alive
and responded back to me: you are missing
the touch of your heart.

Star Cross

Touch your heart and figure out
what you have been looking for all your life.
Then a seashell came to shore
and she said to me: You have been looking
for answers in dead souls.
Go find God and He will reply to your questions
and no longer will there be doubt of who you are and
who you will become.
I am a divine soul. I am a result of God's love.
He is my protector and my guide in life.
Thank you Lord for letting me be substance and not just flesh.

Double Star

* Laura Martinez *

Double Star

Finding Onself was also published online in the September 2006 issue of Autumn Leaves.

Double Star


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Divider Bar

Art by Robert Meyers
Graphics by Moon and Back

Midi by:

 Music by Yuko Ohigashi



Special thanks to:

Silent Bear's Den