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Pretty Lies

Oh Lord, help me out today!
I see his absurd look and
Wonder what has driven him mad.
I am exhausted of your pretty lies.
I am tired of your false excuses
And justifications.
How long is it going to take YOU
To realize how vain your words are?

Is it going to take a Mighty mermaid?
To wake you up from your dreams
And make you roll on the streets
Like a ball with no destiny!
Maybe, then you will recognize
What you have indeed lost forever!

Isn't it your selfish attitude that
Stops you from progressing?
I know what is going through your
mind. You may scream:
"It is always about YOU."

Stop, there! Just let me talk now,
And for God's sake please listen to
Me this time. It is not about me!
It is about your bloody way of
Handling life.
Your sense of responsibility
Is long gone. I feel sorry for you!

I ask myself: "Who would be your next victim?"
But again, you are just another piranha in the deep sea
Looking for meat to gobble.
You not only wipe out the meat,
But crush other people's hearts and once
Your plan has taken place, then
Your sarcastic smile comes alive!

Your false promises are all that you live for.
You are just dust in the dark.
You will never love anybody because you only
Love yourself and only live for your own vanity.
But, it is just about me!

* Laura Martinez *


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