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In Loving Memory of
Hunter James Kirkland
October 31, 1997 - October 12, 2005

Hunter's last trail ride, September 2005.

Hunter with his "cowboy" snowman - with horse, guns and blood where he was shot!

Our first snow, and Hunter sliding on a garbage lid!

This is Hunter's sister Wendy, barrel racing. She misses her brother also. sigh.

Under The Rainbow

I love pretty rainbow's
Hanging in the sky
I love the marshmallow clouds
Floating slowly by.

I love the little blue birds
Singing in the trees
I love the pretty flowers
And tiny bumble bees.

Have you ever wondered
How so much work got done
Night time with diamond stars
The beauty of the sun.

I know God made the Heavens
And made the whole earth too
He made all things possible
Just for me and for you.

So when I see a rainbow
Up in the sky above
I know it's God's special way
Of sending me His love.

© 2006 Ginny Bryant ~Journey Of Love

Hunter loved being an Uncle! On the left, he is with his nephew "Just-Audrey,"
and on the right, Hunter with his sister Wendy and Just-Audrey.

Hunter's 4th Christmas: Mom, Dad, Sissy, Bubba, Hunter.

Hunter and his cousin Lacey at Easter.

More of Hunter's Story

By Saturday afternoon he was real sick, had nothing to eat and everything he drank came back up
even water, by 11:30 Saturday night he had began to swell a lot and the doctor came in
and said his kidney was failing, he had to go back to Childrens Hospital,
so we did.

Hunter, Dillon, Casey, at Shriners Hospital.

Our trip to St. Louis, MO, the Shriners Hospital.

The next two days he went downhill, his breathing got so bad he was put into ICU,
and back on the ventilator. Tuesday morning the kidney doctor came in
and said they were going to stat kidney dialysis, me and my husband took turns leaving Hunter’s room.
I didn’t want him left alone, but that morning the doctors asked us both
to go eat breakfast together and get some fresh air, so we did.

Hunter's first day of kindergarten.


At Hunter's kindergarten graduation, they danced to the twist, and he sang Charlie Brown.

When we left I kissed him bye and told him I would be right back, we weren’t gone for about 30 minutes,
neither of us could eat, so we picked at our food and went back upstairs. My husband went up
to the next floor where our belongings were, and he was going to bathe and be right back,
when I got back to the floor and I turned the corner, I saw all the doctors and people in Hunter's room.
I took off running, someone grabbed me and would not let me in there to him,
the doctor came out and said Hunter may have fluid on his Brain,
they were taking him to cat scan and would let us know. The social worker took me into the ROOM,
oh how I hate that room, I was shaking and crying
and telling them to go get my husband so they did. The Doctors finally came in
and said Hunter had a massive stroke and was brain dead,
I started screaming nooooooooooo, and said I wanted to be in there with him,
they wouldn’t let me, they were still doing tests. It was only minutes
but seemed like hours that they came back and said nothing else can be done,
but I said yes it can you will do whatever testing on my child
and be sure before you tell me he’s gone!!

From then on we had to call family members, everyone lived 6 to 7 hours away. I stood by his side
while they tested him for any kind of movement, but nothing, and then I heard the awful words,
TIME OF DEATH, I don’t remember a lot from that but crying
and begging God to please don’t take my baby, but it didn’t do any good,
he took him anyway!!!

This is Hunter's kindergarten graduation picture.
I guess you could say that Hunter has now graduated to Heaven. sigh.

Hunter won a prize for selling cookies for school when he was in first grade.

This is Hunter being baptized, September 2004

Hunter at the zoo with his cousins, Ally, Libby and Emma.


Hunter's last Christmas picture.

The transplant team came in and talked to us, Hunter had already made the decision
to donate his body parts, because when the doctors told him he would probably
have to have a kidney transplant when he got older, he told me on the way home
from the doctors that if someone could give up something for him to live
when he died he wanted to give someone something of his
so the decision was made.

On the left, Hunter relaxing, and on the right, Hunter showing how he loved being a ninja.

Hunter’s big heart went to a little 7 year old girl, we told everyone that we hope she likes bulls
because Hunter was going to be a bull rider when he grew up,
and a 40 year old mother of a 7 year old son got his liver, pancreas, intestines;
and both are doing wonderful last we heard...

Hunter and Mom doing the chicken dance.

Hunter and Mom dancing the night away, June 2005.

I miss my son so much and wished that this had not happened and that my life is so incomplete without him.
I cry every day and night for him, I sleep in his bed a lot of times
just so I can smell him. Hunter loved people and most of all he was Christian,
he lead several children to the Lord before he left this world, and I am so proud of him
for that. He will forever be in my heart, even though I have two other children
and now a grandson, Hunter was my best friend and I always knew he would be there
for me no matter what !!!!! I miss our talks, our hugs,
and his little goofy laugh and smile but most of all his precious arms
around me and hearing him say

Hunter and his Dad holding a REAL Alligator!

Hunter gets snatched out of the jaws of this gator just in time by his mom, Linda,
while they were visiting Gatorland in Florida.

Hunter was granted a wish from Dream Factory, and we went to Disney World.
Here is Hunter with Dad, Mom, Minnie and Mickey Mouse in a special moment at Disney World in Florida.

Hunter with Goofy.

Hunter with Mayor Clayton at Kid Village in Florida.

Mom got to throw a pie in Hunter's face, and then Hunter with Mr. Cool Turtle in Florida.

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away."
(Revelation 21:4, KJV)

Hunter getting hugs from Pooh.

A friend can hear a tear drop.

Please visit Maria's Tribute to Christopher
Angel Christopher
Two Very Special Angels

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Hunter James Kirkland
on March 5, 2007
Last updated: March 2, 2009
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