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In Loving Memory of
Jessica Connie-Margorie Woodin
December 22, 1982 - August 18, 2001


Jessica and Mom.

Jessica's Story
Jessica was my only child. She was so loved and so special. She had two homes,two sets of parents(since her father and I divorced after she was 6 months old), but she was both our worlds. We shared her and her love
and she had it all.

At 16 she went to manicuring school and got her license
and worked in my hair salon.

Jessica and Mom again.

Jessica wanted to go to college away but opted for a community college for her first year locally since she graduated high school at 17. She was
a cheerleader and scholar athlete getting a 4.0 for her first year.

Then Jess wanted to go away. She picked Arizona State University. She flew out there August 15th 2001, wed night, with her father and grandma. She did not stay in her dorm Thursday night but at the hotel. Friday night she decided to stay in her dorm but showered and went to a fraternity party with a boy she had met. They had a few beers and were sitting on a dorm front lawn when the sprinklers went off. They jumped up and ran across the street. They stopped in the middle and looked and no cars were coming so they went across 3 lanes. A mustang drag-raced onto the college campus from one light down at such a speed that they didn't even see or hear it.

The boy she was with said he felt something coming and jumped on the curb and turned to grab her and she was gone. Hit by a speeding bullitt
(how ironic-the name of the mustang).

Jess was destroyed, killed by a drunk 28 year old lawyer who, dumped his new car, ran and hid for 3 days so they couldn't give him the alcohol test. He knew what he was doing. He was charged with 2nd degree murder and we flew out for the 2 week trial. He got negligent homicide and hit and run and has to do 9 1/2 years. It is 4 already. He will see his children again. I am living a nighmare that will never end. Thanks to the love
of my wonderful husband I go on.

Jessica with Dad.

Jessica with some of her family members.

These are two beautiful and loving gift for Angel Jessica from my dear friend, Carol, mom to Angel Michael.


They say you will not come again,
But I shall always hear
Your voice in silence and in song,
And feel you ever near.

They say you have passed beyond,
Unto the joy supreme.
But I can always call you back
Into the land of dream.

For death is but a gateway
To the great reality,
A new beginning, not an end
Of human destiny.
In spite of grief and pain,
And deep within my heart I know
That we shall meet again.
~ Author Unknown


Don't think of her as gone away~
her journey's just begun,
life holds so many faucets~
this earth is only one,
Just think of her as resting
From the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days or years,
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness can really pass away,
And think of her as living
in the hearts of those she touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost~
and she was loved so much
~~~Ellen Brenneman

Jessica and Luke.

Jessica and some friends.

Jessica and Glenn practicing karate!


Memories are the mirrors of my mind,
refleting my joy at having loved you
Memories are the treasures
You have left behind
Thoughts of you keep the lamp of love lit
in the recesses of my mind
Memories are the miracles of my mind
~ By Eloise Cole

Jessica and Frankie.

Jessica and Luke again.


"If you have joy in your heart
it will be known by the look on your face."

Christmas In Heaven

With Love in memory of Jessica
Ann, Laurasmom

In Loving Memory of Jessica
A Beautiful Angel
Ann, Laurasmom

A small gift for Jessica Woodin's site. May God bless and comfort Justine, her mother.

A small gift for Justine for her beautiful Angel Jessica. Justine and I have known each other for 20 years.
We lost our Angels just about a year apart. God bless and comfort us all.



A friend can hear a tear drop.

This webpage is created
In Loving Memory of Jessica Connie-Margorie Woodin
on October 12, 2006
Last updated: August 16, 2009
© 2000 - 2009

Maria's Tribute to Christopher

Jesus Wept


Dear Justine and ANGEL Jessica

My Precious Daughter, My ANGEL
Another anniversary is here again
What am I suppose to do
When already I feel so much pain

I am with you always, Mom
In everything you do and say
Though you can't see or hear me
But you will hear and see me One Day

Every ANGEL has a window
It is a star, one is mine
Please look up Mom
That day when GOD calls you
You will have one of your own In time

Until then, Mom,
Open your heart and look up
I watch over you always
And I protect you too
I will always love you

Written By Sue-Anne Aguilera~~~Lee'sMom

In Loving Memory of Lee Henry Aguilera